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Note this is not really for wikinews, as it has already has a working comment js system.
This is for me to practise Javascript, because I want to learn how to do javascript stuff better (learn by doing...)

/*extern wgPageName, wgArticlePath, wgNamespaceNumber, wgPageName, wgServer, addPortletLink wgScript wgScriptPath sajax_init_object*/
/*extern on_article_or_talk, on_comment_page, change_tab_link, change_tab_title, check_link, doesPageExist*/

var enableComments = (enableComments === undefined ? true : enableComments);

if (enableComments && (wgPageName !== "Main_Page")) {
(function () {

//Variables for diff lang and options, etc

var commentTabName = "Opinions";

var page = wgPageName; //this is escaped

/* commentPrefix and suffix should be escaped (aka [[foo bar]] -> [[foo_bar]] */
var commentPrefix = "Разговор:"; //includes ns. probably talk: or comment:
var commentSuffix = "/opinions"; //If none, make empty string. Do not use null

var ns = {};
ns[0] = "";
ns[1] = "Разговор";
ns.main = ns[0];
ns.talk = ns[1];
ns.articleNumber = 0;
ns.talkNumber = 1;
ns.commentNumber = 1;
ns.currentNumber = wgNamespaceNumber;
var commentTabId = "ca-nstab-comments"; //probably shouldn't modify unless you really want to. if using custom ns for comments, MUST BE id used for tab. If using custom ns, you need to modify
var commentAccessKey = "o"; //Make sure it doesn't conflict with another accesskey
var commentToolTip = "Express your personal opinion on the events described in this article";
var tabAfterComment = "ca-edit"; //id of next tab (or make null to be at end)
var commentPortlet = "p-cactions"; //which part of nav bar (Rccomend p-cactions (bar at top with buttons like edit)) 
var articleTabName = "page";
var mainAccessKey = "a"; //Note: if you're using the talk:article/comments form, change this to something that does not conflict like "a" otherwise, should = MediaWiki:Accesskey-ca-nstab-main
var mainToolTip = "View the article that this comment page is about"; //can be similiar to MediaWiki:Tooltip-ca-nstab-main
var commentPreload = "Wikinews:Commentary_pages_on_news_events/body"; //default state of edit box for new page
var commentIntro = "Wikinews:Commentary_pages_on_news_events/intro"; //Instructions

//Variables that don't need to be modified when changing langs
tabAfterComment = document.getElementById(tabAfterComment);
var commentPrefixRegex = new RegExp("^"+commentPrefix); //hopefully no special chars in the commentPrefix
var commentSuffixRegex = new RegExp(commentSuffix + "$"); // a / seems to be okay.
var articleTabId = "ca-nstab-main";
var pCactions = "p-cactions"; //cactions portlet

 var wikiURL = function (page) {
 //If second argument, object for url arguments.
  if (arguments.length === 1) {
   return mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace("$1", page);
  else {
   var URL = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + "?title=" + page;
   var argList = arguments[1];
   for (var i in argList) {
    URL += "&" + i + "=" + argList[i];
   return URL;

//Determine page we are on
//Article, Talk: or Comment:

if (ns.currentNumber === ns.commentNumber) {
 if ((page.indexOf(commentPrefix) === 0) && (page.lastIndexOf(commentSuffix) === page.length - commentSuffix.length)) on_comment_page();
else if (ns.currentNumber === ns.talkNumber /*TALK*/) on_article_or_talk();
else if (ns.currentNumber === ns.articleNumber) on_article_or_talk();

function on_article_or_talk() {
 /*We're at an article and need to change its tabs*/
 page = (ns.currentNumber === 1 ? page.replace(new RegExp("^"+ns.talk+"\:"), "") : page) //strip talk ns prefix if in talk ns.
 var newTab = mw.util.addPortletLink(commentPortlet, wikiURL(commentPrefix + page + commentSuffix), commentTabName, commentTabId, commentToolTip, commentAccessKey, tabAfterComment);
 var newCommentPageURL = {preload: commentPreload, editintro: commentIntro, action: "edit"};
 check_link(commentPrefix + page + commentSuffix, newTab, wikiURL(commentPrefix + page + commentSuffix, newCommentPageURL));


function on_comment_page () {
 var articleTabId2 = articleTabId; //needed later
 var articleTitle = page.replace(commentPrefixRegex, "").replace(commentSuffixRegex, "");//get rid of commentness of page title
 var talkURL = wikiURL("Talk:" + articleTitle); 
 change_tab_link("ca-talk", talkURL );
 if (document.getElementById(articleTabId)) {       //the comment page is somewhere in the main NS, Article -> Opinions
  change_tab_title(articleTabId, commentTabName);
  articleTabId2 = articleTabId + "-base";           //for later in function
 } //otherwise we assume that this has been taken care of server side and we do nothing

//add link back to article
 var newArticleTab = mw.util.addPortletLink(pCactions, wikiURL(articleTitle), articleTabName, articleTabId2, mainToolTip, mainAccessKey, document.getElementById(articleTabId2 === articleTabId ? commentTabId : articleTabId));
//Last bit of that function. If we're on comment ns, make article linkback before ca-nstab-comment, otherwise (in talk:article/comment) before ca-nstab-main.

//Check if article still exists (one would hope it did)

check_link(articleTitle, newArticleTab, wikiURL(articleTitle, {action: 'edit'}));


function change_tab_title (id, newTitle) {
//This function should probably do some checking to make sure that the html is where it should be
 var tab = (typeof id === "string" ? id = document.getElementById(id) : id );
 var label = id.firstChild.firstChild.data;
 label = newTitle;

function change_tab_link (id, newLink) {
var tab = (typeof id === "string" ? id = document.getElementById(id) : id );//get node
tab.firstChild.setAttribute("href", newLink);


function check_link (page /* to check. (wikipage, not URL)*/, element/*to mark new or does not exist*/, URL /* url to change link to if not exist*/) {

/* Takes node of newly created tab (as node or as string of id), does bg check using ajax to see if it exists and applies appropriate css classes*/
 var redden = function (exists) {
  if (!exists) {
   //Change  link to an edit link, and put it to class new (make red)
   element = typeof element === "string" ? document.getElementById(element) : element;
   element.className = "new";

   element.firstChild.href = URL;
 doesPageExist(page, redden);


//The following is bassed on Matt's checkCommentaryPageExist(pageName) function
function doesPageExist(pageName, callback) {

//Pagename can be a name as a string, or multiple pages seperated by a pipe. To check if it exists
//Callback is a function. takes an object like {NameOfPageThatExists: true, NameOfNotAPage: false, ...}

   var mwAPI = "/api.php";
   var x;
   x = sajax_init_object();
   // do nothing if we can't check
   if (!x) {
     return false;
   x.open("GET", wgServer + wgScriptPath + mwAPI + "?action=query&format=xml&titles=" + pageName, true);
   x.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "cache=yes");
   x.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-transform");
   x.onreadystatechange = function() {
     if (x.readyState === 4) {
       if (x.status === 200) {
         var xmldoc = x.responseXML;
         var xpage = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('page');

         if (xpage[0].hasAttribute("missing")) callback(false); //does not exist
         else callback(true);