Разговор о Медијавикију:Ситенотице

Последњи коментар: Nemo bis, пре 9 година у теми одбаци

Време није било ажурно, тако да сам уклонио на Милетов захтев. ;) --Филип § 13:35, 18. октобар 2009. (UTC)Одговори



Hello, good news! Thanks to FreedomFighterSparrow and Brion, unregistered users can now hide the sitenotice again. Previously, they were forced to see it continuously.

In all cases, please use the sitenotice with care, and keep in mind that occasional visitors see sitenotices on all their visits, if they visit less than once a month or they don't click "dismiss" and save a cookie. Nemo 15:43, 24. март 2015. (UTC)Одговори

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