У сликама:Земљотрес и цунами у Јапану

18. март 2011.
Japan -  , Земљотрес код острва Хоншу 2011. године је потрес магнитуде 8,9 - 9,1 Рихтера који је погодио североисточни део острва Хоншу у Јапану у 14:46 JST (05:46 UTC) на петак 11-ог марта 2011. Епицентар је био 130км од источне обале Ошика полуострва Тохоку региона близу Сендаја, са хипоцентром на дубини од 32км. Ово је најјачи трус који је погодио ову далекоисточну земљу од када се врше мерења. Настрадао је велики број људи, за сада се воде бројке од 5.692 мртвих, 9.506 несталих и 450.000 је остало без крова над главом, број мртвих није коначан и очекује се да ће расти. Покренут је цунами висине 10 метара. Очекује се да ће серија слабијих земљотреса трајати месец дана, од чега ће најјачи достизати 7,0 степени.

Овај фото есеј је преузет са енглеских Викиновости (Wikinews) и идеја водиља је да приближи патње јапанског народа и помогне у прикупљању помоћи.

A Japanese home is seen adrift in the Pacific Ocean. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.Јапанска кућа која плута по Пацифику.
Слика: U.S. Navy.

The antenna on top of Tokyo Tower was slightly bent by the earthquake. слика: -{Morio}-.Искривљена антена на врху Токијског торња.
Слика: Morio.

Items were knocked off shelves at a store in Narashino, Chiba after the earthquake. слика: -{mikuaxe}-.Расута роба са полица у продавници у граду Нарасхино, Чиба после земљотреса.
Слика: mikuaxe.
Soil liquefaction on a road in Koto, Tokyo. слика: -{Morio}-.Soil liquefaction on a road in Koto, Tokyo.
Слика: Morio.
An explosion occurs at the Cosmo Oil refinery in Ichihara, Chiba.An explosion occurs at the Cosmo Oil refinery in Ichihara, Chiba.
Слика: Cranky5.
View of a fire in Odaiba following the earthquake. слика: -{Hikosaemon}-.View of a fire in Odaiba following the earthquake.
Слика: Hikosaemon.
Crowds of workers evacuated from Tokyo skyscrapers walk home after the earthquake in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. слика: -{Hikosaemon}-.Crowds of workers evacuated from Tokyo skyscrapers walk home after the earthquake in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Слика: Hikosaemon.
A long line of cars stretches down Itsukaichi Street in Tokyo on March 11. Due to disruption of train service because of the earthquake and tsunami, people are trying to find alternate means of getting home. слика: -{Kellykaneshiro}-.A long line of cars stretches down Itsukaichi Street in Tokyo on March 11. Due to disruption of train service because of the earthquake and tsunami, people are trying to find alternate means of getting home.
Слика: Kellykaneshiro.
Stranded passengers congregate at the Keiō line concourse of Shinjuku Station in Tokyo as public transportation in northern Japan is interrupted following the earthquake and tsunami. слика: -{多摩に暇人}-.Stranded passengers congregate at the Keiō line concourse of Shinjuku Station in Tokyo as public transportation in northern Japan is interrupted following the earthquake and tsunami.
Слика: 多摩に暇人.
Stranded passengers evacuate from a Tokyo train. слика: -{多摩に暇人}-.Stranded passengers evacuate from a Tokyo train.
Слика: 多摩に暇人.
Calculated wave height of the tsunami, from a NOAA computer model. слика: -{NOAA}-.Calculated wave height of the tsunami, from a NOAA computer model.
Слика: NOAA.
This false-color satellite picture from NASA's MODIS satellite shows the area of Sendai on March 13 (top) and February 26 (bottom) shows how far inland the area near Sendai was flooded by tsunami. A bright orange-red spot near the city of Sendai is the thermal signature from a fire. слика: -{NASA}-.This false-color satellite picture from NASA's MODIS satellite shows the area of Sendai on March 13 (top) and February 26 (bottom) shows how far inland the area near Sendai was flooded by tsunami. A bright orange-red spot near the city of Sendai is the thermal signature from a fire.
Слика: NASA.
An aerial view of the port of Sendai on March 12. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.An aerial view of the port of Sendai on March 12.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
A solemn desk chair lies in a layer of mud and petroleum that now covers much of the U.S. FISC Yokosuka Defense Fuel Support Point Hachinohe facility following the tsunami. слика: -{DVIDSHUB}-.A solemn desk chair lies in a layer of mud and petroleum that now covers much of the U.S. FISC Yokosuka Defense Fuel Support Point Hachinohe facility following the tsunami.
The city of Ofunato, Japan, was severely damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.The city of Ofunato, Japan, was severely damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
A trail of debris is seen floating in Pacific Ocean. The debris was inspected by a helicopter-based search and rescue team from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.A trail of debris is seen floating in Pacific Ocean. The debris was inspected by a helicopter-based search and rescue team from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
An up-close aerial view of debris floating in the Pacific. The debris was inspected by a helicopter-based search and rescue team from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.An up-close aerial view of debris floating in the Pacific. The debris was inspected by a helicopter-based search and rescue team from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
A Japanese barge is seen adrift in the Pacific Ocean. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.A Japanese barge is seen adrift in the Pacific Ocean.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
An upended house is among the debris in Ofunato, Japan. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.An upended house is among the debris in Ofunato, Japan.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
Members of the Fairfax County, Virginia Urban Fire and Rescue Team head into downtown Ofunato to search for survivors following the earthquake and tsunami. Teams from the United States, United Kingdom and China are on scene to assist in searching for missing residents. слика: -{DVIDSHUB}-.Members of the Fairfax County, Virginia Urban Fire and Rescue Team head into downtown Ofunato to search for survivors following the earthquake and tsunami. Teams from the United States, United Kingdom and China are on scene to assist in searching for missing residents.
A mother and daughter look at a family photo amid the wreckage of their home. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.A mother and daughter look at a family photo amid the wreckage of their home.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
A damaged water pipe shoots into the air after the tsunami. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.A damaged water pipe shoots into the air after the tsunami.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
A tug boat among the debris in Ofunato.A tug boat among the debris in Ofunato.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
A Mickey Mouse doll lies among debris in Ofunato. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.A Mickey Mouse doll lies among debris in Ofunato.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
Vehicles and debris line a canal in the downtown area of Ofunato. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.Vehicles and debris line a canal in the downtown area of Ofunato.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
A fishing boat rests against a building in Ofunato. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.A large sail boat rests against a building in Ofunato.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
An aerial view of tsunami damage in an area north of Sendai, Japan, taken from a U.S. Navy helicopter. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.An aerial view of tsunami damage in an area north of Sendai, Japan, taken from a U.S. Navy helicopter.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
Empty instant noodle shelves in a supermarket in Tokyo due to stock being bought out on March 16, 2011, 5 days after the earthquake. слика: -{Kellykaneshiro}-.Empty instant noodle shelves in a supermarket in Tokyo due to stock being bought out on March 16, 2011, 5 days after the earthquake.
Слика: Kellykaneshiro.
Residents wait in a line outside a convenience store to purchase groceries and supplies on March 13, two days after the earthquake and tsunami. слика: -{Hitomi}-.Residents wait in a line outside a convenience store to purchase groceries and supplies on March 13, two days after the earthquake and tsunami.
Слика: Hitomi.
A blackout in Narashino, Chiba on March 15. слика: -{mikuaxe}-.A blackout in Narashino, Chiba on March 15.
Слика: mikuaxe.
U.S. Navy sailors transfer humanitarian supplies from an aircraft carrier to a helicopter. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.U.S. Navy sailors transfer humanitarian supplies from an aircraft carrier to a helicopter.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
Japanese citizens receive supplies from the crew of a U.S. Navy helicopter. слика: -{U.S. Navy}-.Japanese citizens receive supplies from the crew of a U.S. Navy helicopter.
Слика: U.S. Navy.
A closed petrol station in Tokyo on March 16. слика: -{LERK}-.A closed petrol station in Tokyo on March 16.
Слика: LERK.
Entrance of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin after the earthquake and tsunami and subsequent accidents at the Fukushima Daichi power plant on March 15. слика: -{Jochen Jansen}-.Entrance of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin after the earthquake and tsunami and subsequent accidents at the Fukushima Daichi power plant on March 15.
Слика: Jochen Jansen.
Russian people take flowers to the embassy of Japan in Moscow after the 2011 earthquake. слика: -{Elmor}-.Russian people take flowers to the embassy of Japan in Moscow after the 2011 earthquake.
Слика: Elmor.


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